Tuesday, March 30, 2010



Generally, most of you have started making and you are progessing fine but definitely still more rooms for improvement.

A few still take your time on your journal which is supposed to be done at home. I am disappointed and you are wasting your time away in the workshop. Things in the journal should be done at home. While in the workshop, your focus is in the making.

Development and making should go hand in hand. While you are developing at home, you come to school to verify your development with me and realise your project on what you have developed.

Along the making you make mistakes or need further modifications, detail it in the journal. This is a real-time account of your developmental and making process.

Time is not on our side. Making can only be done in workshop. You cannot bring it back home and do. I want to clear your making asap so that I will have more time to vet through your journal while you are away for mid year exams. I also want to cater time for presentation board.

If you keep harping on working your journal in the workshop, you are going to drag everyone's progress down. In the past, we have two teachers. Allocation of manpower to help student is easier. Now, I am the only one handling your group, I will have to make sure that time is fully optimised. I seek your cooperation in that.

Mr Tan

Development -What You Should be Doing?

Hi, Not sure how to do.... Read below. ASK ME IF NOT SURE...

You should have at least 5 detailed ideas which is thoroughly explored.
For the finalised idea you have chosen, develop on it.


(1) Improvement on the forms and shapes.

1. Take into account of ergonomics, you may want to modify the shapes
and forms of your final design to make it safer and easy to use
2. Taking into aesthetics/appearance, modify the shapes and forms to make
it more interesting and appealing to your target user.
3. Taking into its functionality and implementability, modify the forms and
shapes to make it more functional.

(2) Types of suitable materials for your design

1.Research on different materials to meet the context and requirement.
2. Evaluate and decide on the material

(3) Dimension and sizing of essential part.

1. Use human measurement (anthorpometry) such as shoe size, human height,
length of arm to determine the essential length/ height of your product
2. If need, use maths (for. eg, trigo) to calculate its dimension
3. Make a model or mock up

(4) Technology

1. Research on different types of technolgy that makes your project function
as intended. Explore various technology means. Do not constraint yourself.

For example:
(a) Mechanism - Research into various mechanisms that opens and closes
the valve to allow dispensing.
(b) Electronics - Research into various electronic component that emits
lights with good illumination. Research into electronic circuit that performs
a particular function such as lights up when darkness falls.
(c) Structure - Research on different means to stabilise your project or
reinforcement needed to increase its strength.

2. Based on the research, evaluate the different technology you researched
and choose a one suitable for your design with explanation and justification

(5) Assembly of parts and technology

(a) Detail down how you would like to make each essential part. Consider different approach. COnsider what machines you can use for making of parts.
(b) Detail how you want to make the technology part such as how and where you want to attach the gears or cams.
(c) Detail how you want to join parts together considering the types of joint
and screw avaliable.
(d) Along the way you are making, you may want to take photos of your making

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Holiday Assignment

Hi Sec 4/5 or 4/6
Pls hand in your holiday assignment by tuesday, 30 Mar 2010.
Kok Heng :)