Saturday, June 5, 2010

Production planning


Production planning can be in the form of a time chart, sequence drawing and flowchart.

For time chart which you have been using all this while, you can refer to your textbook on the section of production planning.

For sample of sequnece drawing, click here.

For sample of flowchart, click here.

Development Update 2

A sample of the development (joining and fixing) of storage unit.

Development Update


These are the breakdown of what you might consider under the development in your journal.

The mindmap below outlines some of the factors affecting the development of a design.

Factors to consider in development.

Ergonomics: Design for human usage. For eg. Any parts of the design which has handle / Design that fits into palm size / Design to be wore over the wrist or any bodyparts / Design to be hung on wall. You will have to look into ergonomics. Refer to my previous post on ergonomics or click here for more.

Shapes and Forms: REMEMBER, THE DESIGN FROM IDEATION YOU HAVE CHOSEN IS NOT THE FINAL DESIGN. Parts of the design you can still modify forms further to make it aestetically appealing and ergonomically comfortable and safe.. Click here for reference.

Materials: Have to research and find the right material that will influence the final design. For example: For wearing accessories, what material would be suitable so that it is light? / For the base of CD holder, material that is durable and strong? Click here to find out more and here1 and here2 for more samples.

Function (TECHNOLOGY): What function does your product has? For eg: A product that turns for a few second when activated has to research into and consider on the mechanism (gears) and electronics (motor, timer circuit and its wiring) / A product that produces light may look into different light outputs and circuit design and implementation. Refer here or here for more. For samples of development of mechanism, click here.

Construction/Assembly: You need to plan and detail down how you cut and join each eseential parts in your joournal. It must tie in with your production plan. Prior, Research on the joints and fixings suitable for your design. Click here for more info on joints and fixings. Along the making, do take a snap shot of essential stages and detail down any changes, modifications , challenges in your development in the journal.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Reminder to S4/5 and 4/6 on O Level Coursework

Hey 45 & 46, To update what I have mentioned earlier we met today (3/6/2010)

Deadline for Journal postponed to 17th June 2010. (with condition attached).

In journal there must be 100% completion of:
(1) Planning and Monitoring
(2) Problem Situation, Analysis, Identification, Selection, Design Brief, Design Spec.
(3) Ideation
(4) Development
(5) Research

Deadline for Artefact postponed to 16th July 2010.

Deadline for Presentation Board will be set at 23rd July 2010.

Over the week, I will post more samples on planning and monitoring chart, production planning, more on development, etc. Stay tuned for more. TKH