Pls refer to the blog post on WHAT to develop first.
I won't be going through every parts detailed detailed in the earlier post on 'what you should be doing for development'.
Put it simply, u develop starts from the final idea and it usually starts with
(1) improving, modifying shapes and forms to make it more ergonomic, aesthetics and functional. (MUS TIE IN WITH DESIGN SPECS). Usually, we consider the different parts of the final design to improve rather than the whole design.
(2) research into the right types of material, evaluate and make a decision on the material you want to use WITH JUSTIFICATION. Again, tie in with DESIGN SPECS.
(3) Research, evaluate and make decisions on technologies for your design to make it more functional and purposeful.
Below is a sample of research into various switches for the input process.
Another sample of technology segment touches on the choice of mechanisms for a toy project.
To know more in detail click on the link.
(4) Work on the dimension and sizing of your project.
For instance, take human body measurement to decide on the height of a walking toy, the length of the handle and size of the handle grip. See the Pics Below.
You may use maths concept to work out the dimension required. Make a model or mock up to gauge the sizing
You can use similar product research and comparision to roughly guage the size, technology, materials and colour for your idea. For more click here: Similar product comparison:
Make a model to help in making sure your design is going to work or need more modification. It also helps in deciding on the actual sizing. For more click here. Making of model for evaluation: and
Ask potential user to feedback and evaluate on your model for improvement or refinement.
Click here:
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