Saturday, July 17, 2010

For Sec 1: Topic On Design COnsiderations & Assignment (12 Jul - 16Jul)

Hi my Sec 1 groups,

As a consumer when you want to buy a product, you would consider these following factors on several similar products before you make a decision on which to buy.

Like wise as a designer, we need to consider these factors so that we can better cater to the needs of our potential customers.

These design considerations are:

(1) Function - How the products work? What are the functional features in the product?

(2) Aesthetic/Appearance - How the product looks? What are the designs?

(3) Ergonomics - Is the product easy to use? Is the product comfortable to use? Is the prouct safe to use?

(4) Materials

Assignment (12 Jul - 16 Jul):
You need to find at least 3 pictures, drawings or photos of fun and interesting namecard holders.
You will do a product research on these 3 pictures, comment and compare them based on the 4 design consierations above.

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