Thursday, February 25, 2010

For Sec 45 & 46 DnT students: Holiday Assignment

Holiday Assignment (13th Mar - 21st Mar)

This shall be part of the grading for your mid year.

Coursework (100 marks)

1) Draw an isometric presentation of your final design on an A3 size paper. You may use ruler to help in your drawing. [50 marks]

Not sure on how to draw isometric…
Click on this link.

You may want to make a few copy of your drawing.

2. Show a contextual use of your product on an A3 size paper. You can source for a suitable context or environment where your product can be used. Your source can come from internet. Print out the context and transfer your drawing taking note of the proportion. [30 marks]

3. Produce an exploded view of your final design on an A3 size paper.

Click on the link below to know more about exploded view. [20 marks]

Deadline: 23rd Mar 2010

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