Thursday, February 25, 2010

For Sec 45 & 46 DnT Students: Things to Do While I am Away ...

Work must still be ongoing while I am away….

You should have completed ….

(1) Planning and Monitoring time line for main tasks and sub tasks.
(2) Problem Analysis with ample research done.
(3) Design Brief and at least 6 good specific/relevant Design Specifications
(4) A finalized idea.

In your journal, You should be continuing/starting to…..(Do AT HOME)

(1) Explore more ideas and forms for your design especially for your FINAL DESIGN. (REMEMBER always to tie in to your design specs.)
(a) By researching into the forms/shapes that appeal to your target user.

(b) Through existing/similar product analysis and hence borrowing the existing form and shapes, adopting some ideation techniques (SCAMPER, Shape Borrowing, Relay thinking) to develop your truly own design.

(2) [A MUST HAVE] Create a mock-up or model from your finalized idea (THIS IS NECESSARY AND IMPORTANT!!!). Your mock up serves as a communication tool with your teacher and instructors.

(3) Research into relevant technologies for your development.

(a) Types of mechanisms suitable for your technology (For Eg: You may want to research on the types of dispensing mechanism if you are doing some dispenser unit OR explore into different types of mechanism that provides rotary motion if you want parts of your product to rotate OR you have some movement in mind, research into the types of mechanisms that produce these motion [Eg. A rack and pinion produces a linear motion].)

(b) Structures. [Research on how to make your product a stable unit that can stand vertically on the ground? Or What reinforcement to make a frame rigid and not collapse easily? Or the types of joint suitable for product? Or considering the angle inclination of the product in order to make it stable?]

(c) Electronics [For eg. Finding a light beam that facilitates in selection of routes, research into which types of LED or bulbs produces high intensity of light? Or research into which components/circuit can be used in an alarm? Or which types of motor guarantees a high turning speed?]

(4) Development.

(a) Decide and Take down Dimension for your product. It is good to do a mock up considering also the things you want to house in your unit. (For E.g. If you want to house a series of gears, record down the different gears sizes and measurement, that will help to decide your product height OR research into different sizes and length of shoes to help you decide your shoe holder OR research into the sizes of a CD to help you decide how the dimension of opening slot? OR research into the height of a table to help decide in the vertical standing height of your menu holder).

(b) Choice of Materials. [Decide on what material is important…. [Refer back to design spec, if you want to be waterproof, what type of material.. If you are going for light and portability, what types? Going for durability, what types? Again research]

(c) Detail down for e.g. how you are going cut certain materials? For e.g. How to make a slot on that material and the best method you can think of using? How to join certain parts together easily considering several ways? How to assemble the mechanisms to a unit without compromising its forms or other parts?

Making of artifact (ONLY IN WORKSHOP)

You can start your making once you have your finalized idea approved.

You can do your development together with your making.

You can start making a part first (for example, the base or the most essentially part of your artifact). You need to discuss with the teacher and instructor.. You need to draw a 3D sketch of your product or part you are making in your material list with all materials and dimensions listed. IF YOU HAVE A MOCK UP OR MODEL, IT WILL BE MUCH EASIER TO DISCUSS WITH INSTRUCTORS OR TEACHERS.


WHAT IF YOU NEED TO MODIFY YOUR DESIGN? Yes, you may if you think it is necessary to add certain parts or modify certain parts or you research on certain shapes that might be a better form for your design… REMEMBER to account in your journal.

I do not want A RE_DO of everything as you should have planned and considered carefully for your design by then..

By 21st March 2010, I would be expecting 75% of your journal done (Problem situation, ideation, development and some evidence of your making process).

To complete at least 15% of your artifact making.
by then..ully for your design. es that might be a better form for your design.RS OR TEACHERS.
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